Sex After Grief: Navigating Your Sexuality After Losing Your Beloved
Sex after Grief is a trailblazing book that embraces sex as a part of the healing process after an immense loss. Joan Price, a renowned expert on senior sex and a widow since 2008, documents her healing journey from the sorrow of her beloved’s passing to the excitement of sexual reawakening, complete with tips and tricks for maneuvering every step.
Recovery? Yup, That’s On YOU! As Price shows, everyone handles grief differently, and no method or timeline for bringing sex back into your life is wrong—be it with you, someone with benefits, a hook-up, a companion, or all of the above. Sex After Grief tells stories of folks from all genders and orientations, from all spectrums of sexuality—from nights of passion to years of healing to avoiding physical intimacy altogether. There’s no wrong choice here!
Sex After Grief brings you inspiring narratives of dating and sexing again post-loss, comprehensive guidance on solo sex and helpful insights from grief wizards, therapists, and sexperts. Modern Loss, The Grief Recovery Handbook and Second Firsts readers will especially grow from this book’s advice and actionable tips.