Getting It: A Guide to Hot, Healthy Hookups and Shame-Free Sex
An empowering guide to casual sex and hooking up from sex educator and Girl Sex 101 author Allison Moon.
A witty, comprehensive guidebook, Getting It speaks to all kinds of people – from novices to pros – teaching the tricks and tips of hook-up culture! From learning about moves and etiquette to non-monogamy and sexual health, Allison Moon shows you how to navigate these often murky waters with communication and respect. Find out what casual sex means for you, do it well, and feel great about it. And, if you ever make a misstep, Moon is here to teach you how to gracefully rebound.
Intersectionally savvy and respectful, Getting It is a candid guide to grasping the fundamentals of hook-up culture—and how to get in on it.