Explorer’s Guide to Planet Orgasm
Enter a world of intrigue and rapture; the mystical realm of Planet Orgasm beckons! Here, your fantasies come alive.
On Planet Orgasm, a universe of pleasure awaits us! Take part in the Orgasmanaut Training, widen your orgasmic horizons with history lessons, and explore new and unexplored realms of ecstasy. There’s something for everyone – from powerful, mind-blowing O’s to teeny tingles; pleasure that can be found in any body part; self-love sessions, fun with toys, O’s with others, and of course, that special something that you’ll have to discover for yourself.
Annie Sprinkle, the renowned performer/author/educator, and Beth Stephens, the esteemed artist/educator, join forces with illustrator YuDori to lead you on a sensational journey of discovery around Planet Orgasm! Feel the vibes as words and pics reveal the planet’s secrets!